Detect player’s items
This is a "theoretical": it isn't a creation, but it could be used as a part of some creations. In this page I left only the "mechanics". Difficulty: EASY (2/5) Commands in the mechanic: NORMAL (6) External commands: LOW (1) /scoreboard objectives add item dummy Adds...
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Zombie-ghost in only one command
Simple steps to install this command in your minecraft world 1 copy this command (mac: cmd+c/windows: ctrl+c) 2 open in-game chat (press T) 3 write /give @p minecraft:command_block 4 place the command block 5 go on the text section 6 paste the command (mac:...
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Invisible Troll-tnt bug in vanilla minecraft | no mods
Difficulty: REALLY EASY (1/5) Commands in the mechanic: LOW (2) External commands: LOW (1) /scoreboard objectives add explosion dummy Adds a score called "explosion" which can be changed only using commands /execute @a ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players set...
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Hostile blocks in vanilla minecraft | no mods
Difficulty: MEDIUM (3/5) Commands in the mechanic: MEDIUM (7) External commands: NORMAL (3) /scoreboard objectives add block dummy Adds a score called "block": it can be changed only using commands /summon Chicken ~ ~1 ~...
read morePortal gun in vanilla minecraft 1.9 | no mods
Simple steps to install this command in your minecraft world 1 copy this command (mac: cmd+c/windows: ctrl+c) 2 open in-game chat (press T) 3 write /give @p minecraft:command_block 4 place the command block 5 go on the text section 6 paste the command (mac:...
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Super accurate gun in vanilla minecraft | no mods-one cm edition
Simple steps to install this command in your minecraft world 1 copy this command (mac: cmd+c/windows: ctrl+c) 2 open in-game chat (press T) 3 write /give @p minecraft:command_block 4 place the command block 5 go on the text section 6 paste the command (mac:...
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Super accurate gun in vanilla minecraft | no mods
/scoreboard objectives add shot stat.useItem.minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick Adds a score that increases when right-clicking a carrot on a stick /execute @a[score_shot_min=1,score_shot=1] ~ ~ ~ summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~...
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Toggle gravity in minecraft vanilla | no mods-one cm edition
Simple steps to install this command in your minecraft world 1 copy this command (mac: cmd+c/windows: ctrl+c) 2 open in-game chat (press T) 3 write /give @p minecraft:command_block 4 place the command block 5 go on the text section 6 paste the command (mac:...
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Toggle gravity in minecraft vanilla| no mods
Laggy version /entitydata @e[type=!Player] {NoGravity:1b,Time:1b} Changes the data of all the entities to no gravity and 1 of time (to avoid falling sands' destruction) No laggy version /scoreboard objectives add i dummy Adds a score called i /scoreboard players add...
read moreChests with random loots | loot tables
Loots tables are used in minecraft to generate loots in dungeons, villages and spawn. Loots inside chests are chosen from a json script, inside some folders in the minecaft folder. This command works in all the kinds of containers, like droppers, hoppers, ... command...
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