Difficulty: REALLY EASY (1/5)
Commands in the mechanic: LOW (2)
External commands: LOW (1)

/scoreboard objectives add explosion dummy
Adds a score called "explosion" which can be changed only using commands

/execute @a ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players set @e[type=PrimedTnt,rm=2] explosion 1 {Fuse:2s}
Makes all the players set at 1 the score of all the Tnts in the range of two blocks or more [rm=2], but only when their fuse is at 2

/execute @a ~ ~ ~ entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,score_explosion_min=1,rm=2] {Fuse:10s}
Makes all the player set the fuse of all the Tnts (in the range of two blocks or more [rm=2] and with the score at 1 or more) at 10
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