Laggy version

/entitydata @e[type=!Player] {NoGravity:1b,Time:1b}
Changes the data of all the entities to no gravity and 1 of time (to avoid falling sands' destruction)
No laggy version

/scoreboard objectives add i dummy
Adds a score called i

/scoreboard players add @e[type=!Player] i 1
Adds to all the entities' (except for players) score 1

/entitydata @e[type=!Player,score_i_min=1,score_i=1] {NoGravity:1b}
Changes at no gravity the data of all the entities with the score setted at one

/entitydata @e[type=FallingSand] {Time:1b}
Changes the data of all the falling sands to 1 of time, so they don't destroy
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