/execute @e[type=endermite,name=Meteor] ~ ~ ~ summon arrow ~ 255 ~ {CustomName:"meteor"}
An endermite called Meteor summons an arrow at highness 255

/kill @e[type=endermite,name=Meteor]
Kills teh undermine, so it doesn't summon any other arrow

/execute @e[type=arrow,name=meteor] ~ ~ ~ summon tnt ~0.1 ~1 ~0.1
The arrow summons some tnt nearby it (The x/z coords are the meteorite's inclination, the y coord is its speed)

/execute @e[type=arrow,name=meteor] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ bedrock 0 kill @e[type=arrow,name=meteor,r=0]
When the arrow is on bedrock, it kills itself
Modified version (This meteorite goes from the ground to the sky)

/scoreboard objectives add meteor dummy

/execute @e[type=endermite,name=Meteor] ~ ~ ~ summon arrow ~ 5 ~ {CustomName:"meteor"}

/kill @e[type=endermite,name=Meteor]

/execute @e[type=arrow,name=meteor] ~ ~ ~ summon tnt ~0.1 ~-2 ~0.1

/scoreboard players add @e[type=arrow,name=meteor] meteor 1

/kill @e[type=arrow,name=meteor,score_meteor_min=100]
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